
Key Features

Discover the powerful features that make our LMS stand out.

Automated Enrollment

Streamline your student intake with automated enrollment processes.

Course and Classroom Management

Easily create, manage, and distribute course materials from a single dashboard.

Student Information Management

Monitor student progress and generate reports in just a few clicks.

Staff Information Management

Monitor staff progress, activities and generate reports in just a few clicks.

Admin Management

A small ERP that empowers you to manage your school from your phone or a laptop.

Messaging System

Email, SMS and in-app communication between all users.

Digital Library

Share and access books and resources from top libraries globally.

Reporting, AI & Analytics

AI powered reports and insightful vizualizations to monitor and measure performance and advise for improvement.


Create and manage Computer Based Tests for your school.

STEM Handson Projects

Robotics, AI and animation project for all students and teachers.

Security & Privacy

Role based access control of resources and enhanced security of school data with periodic back-up.

LMS Integration & Customization

Integration to leading LMS solutions like Google Classroom.

Mobile Accessibility

Responsive and mobile first design .

Tuition Payment System

Automated fee and transaction management system. Manage debtors with just a click

Attendance Management System

Manage student and staff attendance .

Schorlaship Management

Manage schorlaship and awards for students and staff.

Choose Your Pricing Plan

Select the pricing plan that best suits your needs from the options below. If you have any questions or require further assistance, our administrative team is here to help.

MarsIdeal for small schools or individual educators.
Starting from:



Free Website

Information Management System

Attendance Record Management

Online Learning Portal

SaturnPerfect for mid-sized schools with additional features.
Starting from:



Free Website

Information Management System

Attendance Record Management

Online Learning Portal

Messaging System

Tuition Payment

JupiterCustom solutions for large institutions or districts.
Starting from:

Custom Pricing


Free Website

Information Management System

Attendance Record Management

Online Learning Portal

Social Chat and Messaging System

AI Analytics

Extra Curriculum Activities Management

Tuition Payment & Financial Record

Debt & Debtors Management

School Fees Management

Academic Calendar Management

Assets Management

Contact Admin

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us:

Email: office@horacelearning.com

Phone: +1 (281) 454-1358 OR +234 (0)818 841 7054

Trusted by Leading Schools

Join the growing community of schools using our LMS to enhance their educational experience.
Top Brains Academy
Trove High School
Forte Kids Texas

Get Started with Horace LMS Today!

Experience the power of our learning management system and revolutionize your educational journey.

At Horace Online Learning, we are passionate about empowering individuals to achieve their full potential through education.

We are dedicated to making high-quality learning accessible to all, regardless of their background or location.


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